There’s not a person on the planet that would say killing babies is right. I refuse to believe that. They may give reasons to justify the action, they may be delusional, but no one in their right mind would ever say that killing a baby is right thing to do. In fact if we would refer to abortion as just that…killing babies, instead of simply abortion I believe many would reconsider doing so. But I’m not writing this post to debate whether or not abortion is right or wrong, because in my opinion, and deep within the hearts of most we would agree that it is. I’m also not writing to discuss women’s rights or contraception. As Christians I would hope that we would’nt deny someone in this country proper healthcare based on gender, race, or socioeconomic status. Although, the discussion on healthcare does have some place in the discussion. Again, healthcare is not what this post is about. This post is about the bigger conversation that the Christian community has to have in order to truly address the issue of abortion. We’ve been commanded to love our neighbor. We’ve been asked to put others before ourselves, and it’s time we did so more fervently concerning this issue.

As Christian men and women we must realize that our call to live selfless, sacrificial lives speaks to how we begin to address the issue of abortion. We’ve forgotten our call to selflessness and become selfish and self- serving. Paul writes in His letter to the Philippians “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” (Philippians 2:4) This is where I believe we’ve fallen short on the issue of abortion. How do we as Christians put the interest of these mothers and their unborn babies first? A law that makes abortion illegal is a start, but it’s not enough. The solution to this epidemic can be found in the anxiety and fear bubbling over in their eyes. Their questions and fears are often so evident, and yet we ignore their cry for help. How can I afford a baby? Am I loved? Am I alone? How can I raise a child? Am I forgiven? All of these questions can be answered if we as a Christian community were willing to live out our call, and invest our lives for the interest of others. How far are we willing to go to protect the life of not just the unborn child, but the mother of that unborn child? Are we willing to say “I’ll be there; I’ll take you and your baby in; I’ll help you, provide for the both of you; we’ll raise him/her together; I’ll be here for as long as you need me and ask nothing in return.” Why haven’t we invited this women to the table. Few of us are willing to make this commitment. To go to the nearest clinic, and say to the first woman we see, I’m here and I’ll never leave you, nor forsake you…you or your child. We need to spend less time talking about what the government should do, and more time doing what we as Christians are supposed to do.

If we cared half as much about abortion as we claim to we would spend more time tackling issues of poverty in this country. We would acknowledge the bigger issues of race and class, that effect who and why someone might get an abortion. More minority babies are aborted annually than white babies…why? Because the economic power structure in our country still favors whites. These are the issues surrounding abortion, and we will never put an end to the evil that it is until we get at the roots of the issue.

The issue of abortion has effected our unity, our relationship with each other as believers, as well as our relationships with those outside the church. The church has not only alienated those that have had abortions, but we have shamed them publicly and in doing so we’ve severely wounded a critical part of our body. Real change concerning this issue will require a lot of risk on our part….a lot selflessness, and sacrifice. A lot of really tough conversations, and I’m just not sure we’re ready to go there yet.